Sunday, 3 July 2016

Best way to unroot and restore to stock to get OTA updates?

I finally figured out how to root my phone (thank Sithis)
I just flashed TWRP and SuperSU. Sadly I was only able to recover a handful of photos from my whack phone factory resetting itself. (my only reasoning for rooting, to use data recovery. I only found DiskDigger. didn't do that great sadly)
I think I MIGHT have picked up some sort of malware or virus; not entirely positive but since rooting, my phones camera flash randomly goes off as if something is taking pictures. I have GO Security and 360 Security downloaded and it didn't find anything. I don't know how thorough those apps are but hopefully they would have picked up any malicious thing invading my phone.
I know there is an unrooting option through the SuperSU app. Again, I don't know how "complete" of an unrooting that'd be.
I honestly wish I had the links I used to download TWRP and SuperSU. Maybe to see if anyone could figure out if they were legit.
I want to unroot, then factory reset. Would I have to flash a stock ROM before hitting the 'unroot' button? How would all this work? Anyone figure out how to get OTA updates after a complete unroot?
If anyone could point me in the correct direction I'd be thankful. I just don't want to deal with the security risks of a rooted phone and would like it back to stock. If I could do that without flashing a ROM to my phone that'd be great.
Since I couldn't find anything of the sorts for my N910PVPS4DPE2.

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