Thursday, 21 July 2016

Battery 0% no chargue

Hello guys, can you help me with this.

This morning my moto x play just showdown in 1 second on my pocket. I have like 90% chargue left so i have worried.

Then i try to power on, and no luck.

When i get home, conect the charguer and only shows for 2 seconds the first charging animation (with a flash image, not percent)

So, i try to power on with the charguer and it works, but now the battery says 0% and no up.

In the morning it works well and i take care of my phone .

in 1 chance i can see it recognize the battery and says 95%, but 1 sec later the phone shutdown.

So i think somehow my battery disconnect or something.

Any ideas?

Enviado desde mi XT1563 mediante Tapatalk

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