Thursday, 30 June 2016

Zenfone 2 power button sticking

I circled the switch in this picture (I posted this on reddit with the source, i can't post outside links here. Sorry for broken link, i don't have enough posts for proper links) imgur . com/JWUOnVc

Anyway, the switch gets stuck down and if I accidentally press it then the phone will just turn itself off and I can't use it until i get a pen/something small and put it in the little slot to pull it out, press it again, then pull it back out. It gets stuck all the way down, and my warranty is void due to it being over a year old, disassembling it, and unlocking the bootloader. I really like this phone, however this stuck power button is driving me crazy. Is there anything I can do to fix it? I really don't want to disassemble it to the point of removing the battery, but if I have to i will. Any way I can fix this?

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