Thursday, 30 June 2016

4G Network NOT accessible on MI5 PRO 128GB

I am in a country where all Network Operator uses Band3 (1800Mhz) for LTE. And i have search everywhere and it is clearly mentioned that mi5 pro do support lte Band3 and yet i can seem to be able to connect at all!
I am using China Stable version 7.5.6 and yet just cant connect at all to the LTE Network even when i manually tries to search and register to 4G Network, it just goes to No service then Emergency Calls only. :crying:

Hope anyone can help me out with this as i find it very sad that i cant use 4G in my country.

I have already tried several times to change stuff on the *#*#4636#*#* menu but still it just does the same thing. i have sims of all 3 operators and yet none of them connects to the 4G networks.

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