Sunday, 10 July 2016

i9500 Always Awake when Charging

I'm having some issues with my phone being awake when it is charging. I've checked the most obvious causes such as daydream, and the keep awake setting, but neither were active.

I'm not sure what actually keeps it awake as battery stats end up being erased at 100%. I have Wakelock Detector installed but that doesn't give me any conclusive evidence either since again, the stats are gone once the phone is fully charged. This is mostly an inconvenience as after disconnecting the charger, the battery use is about normal and I can control the wakelocks through Greenify, Amplify and the Privacy Guard's keep awake function.

Has anyone else experienced/solved this issue before and what did you do?

My current setup is:
Android 6.0.1
Resurrection Remix ROM
Nevermore Kernel

I have noticed that most ROMs above 4.4 seem to have an adverse effect on battery life on my S4 and my Galaxy Tab 2. 6.0 seems to be giving me the same standby time of 4.4 however on my tab, so I was hoping that it'd do the same for my S4 as I want to move away from using the Davlik runtime.

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